
The art of knowing how to walk well to keep fit in a simple and constant way.
It's the fitwalking, the new trend in the fitness world where the technique is absolutely not to be underestimated to get the best benefits!
Exercising and burning fat and calories simply by walking is possible thanks to the current trend. We are talking about fitwalking, the art of knowing how to walk well by following certain precautions and avoiding the cost of a gym pass.
The fitwalking takes shape from an idea of the marching Olympic champion Maurizio Damilano and from his desire to promote the concept of "walking for wellness". Associated with a healthy lifestyle and a correct diet, it is the ideal solution for those who have little time but don't want to give up keeping fit in a simple and constant way. The useful walk for the metabolism ensures the achievement of daily and weekly / monthly motor targets set by bodies such as the World Health Organization.
How do you perform this apparently obvious activity correctly? Let's start by saying that you can practice at any time of the day while going to work, taking your children to school or the dog to the park. Comfortable shoes or sports sneakers are the only "equipment" required to avoid sprains or physical damage and to provide support and mobility for the feet.
You can choose from three types of "sports walking" according to your needs.
The first, "Life Style", is the category suitable for those who walk for leisure, out of habit, for passion.
The second, call "Performer Style" is aimed at real fitness enthusiasts who have walked and are aiming for certain results in terms of improved performance, speed, weight loss and breath. Finally,
The third, is the "Sport Style" and is aimed at competitors, at those who make performance and fitwalking a real sport.
Not to be underestimated is the technique to be learned and implemented in an adequate manner. In fact, correct walking allows you to reach between 6 and 8 kilometers per hour and requires that one foot is always resting on the ground. There are three specific movements that characterize the pace of fitwalking: the attack, the roll and the rear push to the tip of the big toe. The course of the arms that must oscillate along the sides or be bent at 90 degrees is also fundamental.
Immersing yourself in nature, between mountain or beach paths, certainly stimulates motivation and concentration. In this case we talk about fit-walking cross: by using sticks and a trained instructor you will get even more surprising results.
Doing fitwalking requires practice and continuity to be able to do well even a simple and daily activity like walking. You will be able to consider yourself really satisfied with the results only when you are out of breath by speaking and walking at the same time!
keep fit and stay healthy with HeartandSoulStyle!
With Friendly Regards,
Leonardo Curatolo, Atene 4.7.2019