
Some very useful tips from Heart & Soul:
Having a sculpted abdomen is one of the main goals of those starting to train in the gym or at home.
Unfortunately, many false myths are still circulating around this topic that can cause real health damage. On the other hand, we find ourselves at the time of year when we most want to have a body in shape and in a short time. The much feared "costume test" is getting closer, or for many lucky ones there has already been, and therefore it is important to have in mind what are the rules to follow in order to be sculpted without risks.
We met Michele Pino, Osteopath, massage therapist and Personal Trainer of Studio Rebirth
( www.studiorebirth.it ), and with him we compiled the list of abdominal disbeliefs.
1- Doing a lot of abdominals is useful for reducing fat on your stomach.
The most widespread belief is certainly the belief that one can lose weight by doing exercises for the abdomen. The fat layer will not turn into muscle even after 1000 abdominals. The fat must be used in the form of energy required during training. It will therefore be a balanced diet and a correct training plan to show off a toned body, including abdominals.
2- To reduce the localized fat in the lower abdomen, the lower abdominals must be trained .
Even today in gyms we hear about abdominal ups and downs. It's wrong because they simply don't exist. The abdominals are divided into: rectum of the abdomen, internal and external oblique and transverse of the abdomen. A correct training plan is to train them all, not to eliminate fat, but to ensure a good muscle balance.
3- To have a defined abdomen you have to do many abdominal repetitions.
Abdominals are often thought of as muscles other than any other muscle in the body. Instead they behave exactly like normal skeletal muscles and as such should be trained. To have defined abdominals it is important to vary the exercises to give different stimuli, keeping to the 15/20 repetitions for 4 series.
4- To get results you have to train your abs every day.
Absolutely not, like any other muscle it is essential to train them and it is equally important to let them recover. The training frequency varies based on the total volume of work the body needs to recover from. On average to train your abs 2 or 3 times a week is the correct cadence to have excellent results.
To summarize and give a super tip : the goal should not be to have a sculpted abdomen, but a toned and functional body. Stop with useless endless sessions of abdominals, having a toned abdomen must be a natural consequence of a complete workout and a healthy and balanced diet. Running, jumps, squats, lunges, bends, burpees and many other exercises that stimulate the whole body will be the right way to reach any goal.
Good workout!
With Friendly Regards,
Leonardo Curatolo, Atene 27/5/2019