
The Federation of Olympia is a non-governmental organization founded in 2014. It aims to spread the Olympic Ideal as it was shaped during the Ancient Olympics and to implement projects and actions related to the emergence of the land that gave birth to The Olympic Games and the promotion of the Truce as a prerequisite for participation in the Games.
Inspired by the report of Pausanias on the mountain route of Ilida - Olympia and trying to connect the ancient with the modern one, we started through Leader funding, highlighting and mapping a mountain path that served the communication between Ancient Ilida (host city of Olympia Olympus) and Ancient Olympia (the sanctuary in which the Games were held), under the name: "Ecliptic route of Ilida Olympia: The Path of Truce".
Through the project, we want to make known the existence of the "Path of Truce" both within and outside Greece and become the focus of sports and cultural activities.
Legea, is always being in your side
With Friendly Regards,
Curatolo Leonardo, Atene,18/5/2017